A very awkward and poor attempt at trying to explain the Unexplainable. Remember to ask Mr Dawkins at his deathbed to elaborate a little bit more on his earthly wisdom on genetic religious programming and elucidate us all with his blinding versions of Truth. Nice try.
Πάνω που ετοιμαζόμουνα να γράψω κι εγώ για την κυκλοφορία του "The God Delusion". Ο R. Dawkins είναι αυτός που οδηγεί τον αγώνα κατά της θρησκείας στην εποχή μας, συνεχίζοντας την παράδοση του D. Hume και του B. Russell. ΤΟ βιβλίο του The Selfish Gene είναι από τα πιο σημαντικά βιβλία που έχω διαβάσει ποτέ – έχει καθορίσει σε μεγάλο βαθμό τον τρόπο με τον οποίο αντιλαμβανόμαστε σήμερα την εξέλιξη. Ελπίζω το The God Delusion να γίνει το βιβλίο που θα σπάσει επιτέλους τα ταμπού της σιωπής. Ελπίζω να γίνω σαν κι αυτόν όταν μεγαλώσω...
@Χρυσοθήρας: "Being an atheist doesn't negate the fear of death" ...how awfully terrible. being a en-theist (greek: ένθεος) does!
Of course it does. You need not fear death itself. You have other things to be afraid of: Hell, judgment, eternal damnation, etc.
Although, to be honest, I cannot believe that being a theist negates the fear of death. The only thing it negates is reason.
Religions do not ‘cure’ fear, they would starve without it. But even if they did, should we all live in a delusion just to not be afraid? There has to be a better way to defeat our fear of death than become delusional.
"Religions do not ‘cure’ fear, they would starve without it. But even if they did, should we all live in a delusion just to not be afraid? There has to be a better way to defeat our fear of death than become delusional."
Dear Sir, let us not confuse religion with theism. Indeed you're absolutely correct regarding the "fear factor" as a ubiquitous instrument of religious control (with all its ramifications).
Theism (en-theism)is beyond and above subjective and emotional attitudes regarding the after-life or God or what-have-you, completely divested and devoid from any vestige of superstition.
It is a philosophical approach to the question existence.
Dear Sir, I surely do not intend to engage in a -endless- theological/philosophical dispute on the existence of God and related matters (in greek or english or portuguese - in fact I used english only bacause the original post was in this language.)
I merely extended my main thesis and point of view on this matter, just as you extended yours. Fortunately there are many specialist forums and sources on the web these days for this kind of research - not to mention the zillion tomes deposited in universities and libraries.
"He wants to encourage a change in the Zeitgeist, so that when people hear the words “a Catholic child”, or “a Muslim child”, they will wince, and ask how a child could already have formed independent opinions on transubstantiation or jihad".
χλωμό το βλέπω.... ρίχτε μια ματιά εδώ (link από reality tape).
BTW, ίσως βρείτε ενδιαφέροντα αυτό και αυτό. Προδιαγράφω για το μέλλον πολύ ωραία σύγκρουση μεταξύ ντετερμινισμού και αμπλαουμπλολογίας... τουλάχιστον στο συνάφι μου!
13 σχόλια:
A very awkward and poor attempt at trying to explain the Unexplainable.
Remember to ask Mr Dawkins at his deathbed to elaborate a little bit more on his earthly wisdom on genetic religious programming and elucidate us all with his blinding versions of Truth.
Nice try.
Actually, having explained everything that is Explainable, there is nothing left marked Unexplainable :)
Deathbed confessions? Being an atheist doesn't negate the fear of death (or hunger and thirst...)
Naturally, scared people don't behave rationally.
I could even have you confess you shot Kennedy, had you at gunpoint
nice try u2, have a nice day
"Actually, having explained everything that is Explainable, there is nothing left marked Unexplainable "
...wow, I'm impressed!
please, be my guest...
"Being an atheist doesn't negate the fear of death"
...how awfully terrible.
being a en-theist (greek: ένθεος) does!
Damn. Με πρόλαβες bizwriter. :-)
Πάνω που ετοιμαζόμουνα να γράψω κι εγώ για την κυκλοφορία του "The God Delusion".
Ο R. Dawkins είναι αυτός που οδηγεί τον αγώνα κατά της θρησκείας στην εποχή μας, συνεχίζοντας την παράδοση του D. Hume και του B. Russell.
ΤΟ βιβλίο του The Selfish Gene είναι από τα πιο σημαντικά βιβλία που έχω διαβάσει ποτέ – έχει καθορίσει σε μεγάλο βαθμό τον τρόπο με τον οποίο αντιλαμβανόμαστε σήμερα την εξέλιξη. Ελπίζω το The God Delusion να γίνει το βιβλίο που θα σπάσει επιτέλους τα ταμπού της σιωπής.
Ελπίζω να γίνω σαν κι αυτόν όταν μεγαλώσω...
@Χρυσοθήρας: "Being an atheist doesn't negate the fear of death" ...how awfully terrible. being a en-theist (greek: ένθεος) does!
Of course it does. You need not fear death itself. You have other things to be afraid of: Hell, judgment, eternal damnation, etc.
Although, to be honest, I cannot believe that being a theist negates the fear of death. The only thing it negates is reason.
Religions do not ‘cure’ fear, they would starve without it. But even if they did, should we all live in a delusion just to not be afraid? There has to be a better way to defeat our fear of death than become delusional.
"Religions do not ‘cure’ fear, they would starve without it. But even if they did, should we all live in a delusion just to not be afraid? There has to be a better way to defeat our fear of death than become delusional."
Dear Sir,
let us not confuse religion with theism. Indeed you're absolutely correct regarding the "fear factor" as a ubiquitous instrument of religious control (with all its ramifications).
Theism (en-theism)is beyond and above subjective and emotional attitudes regarding the after-life or God or what-have-you, completely divested and devoid from any vestige of superstition.
It is a philosophical approach to the question existence.
"It is a philosophical approach to the question existence."
Could you elaborate please? (We can do this in Greek, if you have no objections, since this is the greek version of e-rooster.)
"Could you elaborate please?"
Dear Sir,
I surely do not intend to engage in a -endless- theological/philosophical dispute on the existence of God and related matters (in greek or english or portuguese - in fact I used english only bacause the original post was in this language.)
I merely extended my main thesis and point of view on this matter, just as you extended yours.
Fortunately there are many specialist forums and sources on the web these days for this kind of research - not to mention the zillion tomes deposited in universities and libraries.
Would a lifetime suffice?
"He wants to encourage a change in the Zeitgeist, so that when people hear the words “a Catholic child”, or “a Muslim child”, they will wince, and ask how a child could already have formed independent opinions on transubstantiation or jihad".
χλωμό το βλέπω.... ρίχτε μια ματιά εδώ (link από reality tape).
Ελπίζω να παραμείνουν μια γραφική μειονότητα.
Πω libertarian,
πολύ "disturbing" o σύνδεσμος που έδωσες! :(
BTW, ίσως βρείτε ενδιαφέροντα αυτό και αυτό. Προδιαγράφω για το μέλλον πολύ ωραία σύγκρουση μεταξύ ντετερμινισμού και αμπλαουμπλολογίας... τουλάχιστον στο συνάφι μου!
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